Sodium Alginate

Alginates are a family of extracts derived from brown seaweeds containing alginic acid. The acid is extracted, processed, and converted to sodium alginate. This versatile, natural, sustainable ingredient is a solution for a variety of food products. Alginates are most notably used in refabricated products, fruit fillings, and cheese sauces.

Dark Chocolate Pudin

Sodium Alginate in Food Products

Sodium alginates are primarily noted for their ability to form heat-stable gels without the necessity of heat activation during processing.  Sodium alginate serves as a gelling agent across a wide range of applications and the degree of gelation is raw material dependent. Alginates’ cold-water solubility and soft gel properties make it a process friendly for dressings, puddings, and sauce manufacturers.

Type of Alginates We Supply

Sodium alginates are available in a range of viscosity and gel strengths. As your sodium alginate supplier, Tilley / ISI offers:

  • Nalgin ULV –Low viscosity
  • Nalgin MV-120 – Medium viscosity and medium gelation
  • Nalgin 600 & Nalgin 800 – High viscosity
  • Nalgin 1000 – Highest viscosity
  • Nalgin HG – High gelation and medium viscosity
Viscosity Baking Mixer
BBQ dip sauces

Sodium Alginate Applications

Alginate serves as a functional ingredient in finished food products, including:

  • Bakery gels
  • Dessert gels
  • Dry mixes
  • Frozen desserts
  • Icings
  • Milk puddings
  • Pie fillings
  • Sauces
  • Restructured foods
  • Processed foods
  • Salad dressings
  • Beverages

Sodium Alginate FAQs

Is Sodium Alginate Halal?

Our sodium alginate ingredients can be certified Halal upon request.

Is Sodium Alginate Kosher?

Sodium alginate can be certified Kosher upon request.

Is Sodium Alginate organic?

Sodium alginate is organic-allowed. We can provide the necessary certification upon request.

Is Sodium Alginate vegan?

Sodium Alginate can be certified vegan upon request.

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